This was another incredibly simple but delicious dinner. Especially when you consider that the theme of these posts at the moment {and for the forseeable future} will be, or rather needs to be, food that is tasty but healthy {and specifically geared towards making sure my derriere is bikini ready}, I am really pleased with how these turned out.
My Mum clued me in to this recipe and, although I say this every time without fail, they really are ridiculously simple to make. A monkey could make them. Seriously. A monkey.
For the two of us {although one of us eats bigger portions than your average human. No comment} I used two packs of prawns, but then I have always been the kind of person to make too much food rather than too little. I chucked them, raw, into the blender with a whole bunch of finely chopped spring onions, a pinch of salt and a good shake of crushed chilli.
That's it. Honestly. That right there is the extent of your ingredient list. Marvellous, right?
Once blitzed {though not for too long - you want bits} you could make 3-4 large prawn cakes but I scooped mine into tablespoon sized portions. Using my olive oil spray, I browned them on a medium heat, flipping them occasionally until they were golden brown on each side. You want a medium heat to ensure that they cook all the way through rather than leaving the centre underdone and the outside burnt to a crisp.
If you start to feel like the outside is burning up, simply whack them in the oven, again on mid heat, to cook them through/keep them warm until you're ready to serve.
I did ours with beansprouts - for me - and noodles - for Sandy - and they made the perfect midweek meal. Easy, quick and healthy. Just what I was after!
What do you think? Do you have any perfect midweek suppers to share?