Monday, 8 July 2013

Wise old owl...

Check out this sweet little nightlight that is currently standing guard over my bedside table. He's an adorable little ceramic character and a 'stand in' graduation gift from my Mum as the beautiful lamp my parents bought me hasn't arrived yet. I think he would make for a lovely gift - certainly he holds his own {in my mind} when compared with the rather more expensive ceramic night lights you can buy at the moment.

The best bit? He's 99p from B&M homes. I think I might have to run out to my nearest one and stock up on him for gifts....

Love B x

Monday, 1 July 2013

Eat: Strawberry Pavlova

I'm pretty convinced I could live off strawberries through the summer months. All of a sudden, they're available in abundance so we've been devouring them at an absurd rate {a box a jokes}. I'm normally perfectly happy to just work my way through a punnet as is - no need for cream, chocolate or any other additions - but a casual Sunday lunch with friends seemed like an opportunity to jazz them up a bit.

Birthday cake

I just had to share this beaut of a birthday cake that my sister made for my little cousins. What child wouldn't love a huge chocolate cake, covered in smarties and kitkats? Heck, what adult wouldn't? The bunting was put together in my kitchen over a cup of tea and a natter with Mum just using things I had lying around the house.

Super simple really, but so effective!

Love B x

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