Sunday, 19 January 2014

Moments that mattered...

It has been a LONG time since I last wrote. Since way back in July, there have been plenty moments where I considered starting again having genuinely missed writing. There were also plenty or moments where I dismissed it - too much to do, not enough to write about, a total writer's block on where to start. I wasn't sure I had enough to add to the conversation or anything to say that anyone would want to read but, as always happens with a new year, I've thought about the things I do {or don't do enough of} that make me happy and this little corner of the internet - full of waffle - is one of them.

Reading one of my favourite blogs, this little competition seemed the ideal time to start again. So here it is, without further ado - some of the moments that mattered in 2013. Sit back, it's a big one and there are a LOT of photos.

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