I'm not entirely sure what to call this post. I don't want to label it a foray into 'fashion': to be honest most of my style would probably not be considered fashionable in the trend led sense of the world. Classic, maybe. Fashionable? On the odd occasion.
That said - I love clothes. Love love love. I spend far too much time perusing blogs where the women seem to express and embody their own style with total ease and confidence. On the other hand, like I said I love clothes. And, like I mentioned in my last post {over a week ago - sorry sorry sorry!} I am keen to develop my own sense of style further. That, and I really do want this blog to be a reflection of me - original - and not just a repeat of the other things you find doing the rounds.
With all that in mind, I have decided to stick my head above the parapets and give you a glimpse of the outfit I wore today. Bearing in mind I spent my afternoon at work with a size able group of under 11s, it isn't the most glamorous of outfits, but both individually and collectively, I like it. Be kind {and dear god, forgive the awkward poses, the poor lighting/camera and the fabulous shade of red that our landlord painted our living room}:
Can't believe I'm sticking my face out for all to see but hey ho! The things I do for originality. The top is from Topshop a couple of years ago, the loose cotton trousers are from H&M, the plaited belt is from a New Look dress and the gold sandals {which you can't see} are from Accessorize. Oh and the oversized rose gold watch is from ASOS. One outfit, courtesy of the high street. It's simple but oh so appropriate for today's glorious weather!
Like I said, be gentle. I'll be sure to upload more of these, alongside more photos of my own {I've got some marvellous cake ones to upload!}