Thursday, 30 June 2011

Belated Birthday

This is a somewhat belated birthday post for my dear Dad. I was lucky enough to actually spend the day celebrating with my family, so I don't feel too bad, but as a lover of all things Beatles and all things Bikes, I know he will love this {if Mum remembers to read and shows him, or if my sister reads, tells get the idea}.

Love B x

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

H&M Home

I love H&M.  Despite the fact that you often have to trawl through rail upon rail of {often random} clothes,  it often comes up with some absolute gems as well as being a reliable source of basics.  What I have found slightly infuriating was watching the prices creep up, but I suppose that is true of almost all high street retailers.  Regardless, I was mega impressed with the price point of their home ware range. There were plenty of lovely pieces, all at reasonable prices.  Fabulous for the little touches - cushions, place mats, towels - that you add to your home but might want to swap out.  From my point of view, we live in rented, furnished accommodation in a property with a lot of character {no sleek modern interiors here} so anything I buy for this home, I want to be able to pack up and take with us when we leave.  Here are a few of my favourites:

What do you think? Does anyone know what the quality is like {or should I just assume hit & miss?}. My personal favourite are the black and white chevron cushion covers and the graphic cutlery tea towel. Looking at the images collectively I do seem to have gone a bit chevron crazy, oops! I'm a big fan on the simple, graphic black and white. All of the above are available here for between £2.99 and £15.99. Hopefully they'll be winging their way to me shortly...

Love B x

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Personal Style

I'm not entirely sure what to call this post.  I don't want to label it a foray into 'fashion': to be honest most of my style would probably not be considered fashionable in the trend led sense of the world. Classic, maybe.  Fashionable? On the odd occasion.

That said - I love clothes. Love love love. I spend far too much time perusing blogs where the women seem to express and embody their own style with total ease and confidence. On the other hand, like I said I love clothes. And, like I mentioned in my last post {over a week ago - sorry sorry sorry!} I am keen to develop my own sense of style further. That, and I really do want this blog to be a reflection of me - original - and not just a repeat of the other things you find doing the rounds.

With all that in mind, I have decided to stick my head above the parapets and give you a glimpse of the outfit I wore today. Bearing in mind I spent my afternoon at work with a size able group of under 11s, it isn't the most glamorous of outfits, but both individually and collectively, I like it. Be kind {and dear god, forgive the awkward poses, the poor lighting/camera and the fabulous shade of red that our landlord painted our living room}:

Can't believe I'm sticking my face out for all to see but hey ho! The things I do for originality.  The top is from Topshop a couple of years ago, the loose cotton trousers are from H&M, the plaited belt is from a New Look dress and the gold sandals {which you can't see} are from Accessorize. Oh and the oversized rose gold watch is from ASOS. One outfit, courtesy of the high street. It's simple but oh so appropriate for today's glorious weather!

Like I said, be gentle. I'll be sure to upload more of these, alongside more photos of my own {I've got some marvellous cake ones to upload!}

 Love B x

Monday, 20 June 2011


I stumbled across a new blog over the weekend and it is safe to say, I am a little bit obsessed with it.  The beautiful Anh from 9to5Chic makes stylish dressing look effortless, whether during the working week or on an off duty weekend.  I'm currently trying to reconfigure my wardrobe {though I feel like I am on an endless quest to do that} and as well as needing to add key working pieces to my wardrobe, I would love to overhaul my weekend wardrobe too.  I feel that with my graduation in less than 2 weeks, I need to start building a real world wardrobe {does such a thing exist?}. I do currently try, and I feel like I have a reasonably clear idea of my style, but some days {probably far more than I care to acknowledge} it is just too easy {thank you freezing/rainy/windy Edinburgh} to throw on my jeans, UGGs and a jumper. Anyway, if the number of images I have just pinned is anything to go by, 9to5Chic is certainly going to become a solid source of inspiration.

Want to see what I'm talking about? Whether it's working style,

 Or off duty chic,

She has it totally nailed. And the wooden heeled YSL beauties? Want.

I feel like I spend a lot of time talking about home decor on here, whilst my interest in style doesn't get much of a look in.  Hopefully that's going to change!

Love B x

Friday, 17 June 2011



How peaceful does this home work space look? So light and calming.  What a brilliant place to work from home {and an even better space to stop and reflect in}.  I love the light, airy feel the room has and the simplicity of it all.

Love B x

Thursday, 16 June 2011



This lady is far too pretty. And the outfit? Amazing. If I had legs that I would definitely be rocking skin tight leather trousers.  As it is, I don't, and I still probably would. I love the fedora too but I don't think you'll catch me copying that look around Edinburgh any time soon.

We got back from our holiday yesterday evening so I feel like I have a whole lot of catching up to do - both here and in real life.

Love B x

Monday, 13 June 2011

The Wolves

I don't often feel inclined to post about music.  In fact, it's not often that I come across music that moves me so much I want to listen to it over and over {pop/dance music I can do that to but I won't subject you to my tastes in that regard}. Anyway, I heard this track on Zane Lowe's Radio 1 show the other week as his hottest track in the world and I'm inclined to agree.  Have a listen and maybe let me know what you think. It's by a guy called Ben Howard and the track is called The Wolves:

Whilst you're at it, check out this one too.  Incredible.  I love his voice!

Love B x

Saturday, 11 June 2011






Aren't these rings just beautiful? Either by themselves or stacked in various combinations, I think they'd bring a touch of class to any outfit.

Love B x

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Just because...

I know this is completely random but I couldn't resist sharing this little guy with you.

I hope yoga cat brightens your day.

Love B x

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


I love the idea of having a space in my home almost perfectly designed for curling up with a cup of tea, a book or a stash of magazines.  On the grey days that so often grace Edinburgh, it would be lovely to be able to curl up and watch the world pass by outside. We've got a deep, buttery soft leather chair that would makes for the perfect space to curl up in. And I'd be happy to spend an hour or so in it - especially if my little nook was as lovely as these...



I do find myself torn though between the comforting, warm and inviting palettes of the above images and the bright airy feeling of these spaces...



And this one I just love even though it is wholly impractical to dedicate a room in your home to something like this.  Isn't it just dreamy? Imagine snuggling up here of an evening...


This last one though, truly has my heart. One day, I would love a space just like this in my home...


The extensive book collection, little vase of roses, comfortable seating and modern lighting? All perfect together.

If I'm going to insist on some essentials there needs to be a throw of some sort, a stash of magazines or a good book, good lighting, a cup of tea {and maybe a sliver of cake...} and preferably both a fireplace and a window nearby.

Love B x

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Beach Break


We're officially off on our holidays: a week of sun, sea, sand and exploring! I'll see you next week to fill you in on all the food and clothes and general holiday loveliness. I am SO incredibly excited. A whole week with most of favourite people in what can only be described as in an incredibly beautiful place. Wonderful! I've lined up a few posts while I'm away just to keep things ticking over.

Back soon!

Love B x

Friday, 3 June 2011

Birthday Cake


We had a go at making this cake for my little sister's 21st.  We chose to layer ours with cream and fresh strawberries from the garden before covering it with icing and the obligatory candles.  I was clearly a little too obsessed with eating the cake rather than taking photos of it but it was delicious and looked fab.  For something so simple {we stuck to the basic Victoria sponge recipe I've mentioned before on here} it looks so lovely. It certainly makes for a perfect birthday cake.

Love B x

Thursday, 2 June 2011

I run this city...

A while back, when I had literally just finished my exams and had a boatload of free time, I enrolled upon a camera class with a discount voucher I had.  The man running the class, James Christie was really knowledgeable {both about Edinburgh and photography} and I had a great morning getting to grips with my camera and learning more about in 4 hours of walking, than I have in 4 years of living here. Oops. I had a brilliant time and only have positive things to say about the whole experience.  Especially considering that I was lucky enough to go through the whole tour by myself instead of in a possible group of 8 - the benefits of being able to go first thing Monday morning I guess!

Want to see my city? It's rather beautiful if I do say so myself...

Love B x

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

I want to ride my bicycle...

So the boy has rekindled a long lost love of mountain biking, and some how, both literally and figuratively, I've ended up coming along for the ride.  To break it down for you, his love of biking looks like this {cue bad ass rock music or something equally hardcore and cool}...

My idea of cycling, however, looks more like this {cue nice chill-out music...}...

Consequently, I spend a lot of time feeling and looking like this....

But I'm reminding myself of this...

And I am having fun, but wowser, it can be blooming scary. I've definitely walked down more hillsides than I've ridden down. Getting there slowly but surely!

Love B x

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