Sunday, 24 February 2013

Back to School

back to school

Perhaps not the most 'wow' of wish lists but heading back to university has me packing my bag up again and preparing for another 5 week stretch of lectures and tutorials. There is still that vague back to school feeling, though its wearing thin over here. Home stretch though, and my thoughts still turn to how I could make the every day just a little bit brighter - even if it's just thanks to the polka dots on my shoes or a bright orange notebook!

This flask would be perfect for the endless amount of tea I need to get me through a day and anyone who knows me would vouch for my love of lists {I think I need to purchase this notebook by Happy Jackson}. The handbag would be a huge downsize for my usual everything-but-the-kitchen-sink numbers but I'm still on a decluttering kick which is even extending to my accessories - it would be good to not need a map to navigate through the contents of my bag!

The glasses, devoid of lenses and from H&M, are a simple reminded to update the frames I've now had for a couple of years and the padded coat? Well that is simply because I live in Scotland. It's nothing fancy but daily jaunts into the playground make it an absolute necessity.

Love B x

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