Sunday, 9 February 2014




We've lived in our flat for the past 3 - nearly 4 years - and we're itching to buy our own place. We've been lucky in that our landlord has been supportive of us redecorating our flat but it's still not quite the same. For me, this means I'm spending hours pouring over properties {that we aren't in a position to buy yet}. Slightly less tortuous, and probably more productive, is the time spent on pinterest working out what I would and wouldn't like in our home. I thought I'd share some of the clear ideas that have come through for different rooms.

With bathrooms, it's all about the roll top bath {I would kill for a proper working bath right now!}. Greys and whites give a calm, spa-like feel, whilst pops of colour from the green would still make a big impact. Wire baskets for storage and some feminine touches in the vintage mirror and the gold accents would finish it off perfectly. Hopefully the wire accents and the masculine colours from the floor and walls would stop it from being overly feminine!

What do you think?


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