Sunday 20 May 2012

Something on a Sunday..

Untitled #11

It has been a long couple of weeks over here. A 12 day solid working week punctuated by some rather sad events has left me floored. It was, however, rounded off with a much needed and enjoyed visit back to the North East to see some much, much loved friends and family. People I always wish were closer. Anyway, as fun filled as it was {I reupholstered a chair! - amongst other things} I am still floored and about to embark on another working week. How did that happen?! Roll on the Jubilee and a much anticipated half term.

With that in mind, the only things I felt like sharing this afternoon were pretty things. Things that make you go 'oooooo. want.' Shallow? Kinda. Materialistic? Maybe. True? Yup.

That coral satchel in particular? I love it. I never thought I'd be a satchel kind of person but the colour is just so pretty. Though having just mentioned the satchel in particular, I now want to talk about every individual item 'in particular' too.

Brain is fried clearly. Look at the pretty things. Enjoy. I'll see you next week.

Love B

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